Monday, May 17, 2010

Alberta Liberal Party Passes Landmark Policy for Mentally Ill

The ALP passed a landmark motion at their policy convention this past weekend in Edmonton that, for the first time in the history of Alberta politics, made mental illness a policy priority. This is a groundbreaking initiative, especially since Senator Michael Kirby notes that “Canada is the only OECD country without a national mental health strategy.” It’s little wonder that Alberta lacks the same, but under the leadership of David Swann, the Liberal party fully intends to address that deficit.

If we consider that approximately 20% of Albertans will suffer from some form of mental illness in their lives, and if we factor in family members and friends who care for them, a cautious estimate is that 50% of Albertans deal with the suffering of mental illness, directly and indirectly, on a daily basis. Because the cost of mental health problems in Alberta is incalculable human suffering and lost productivity, and because families are unduly burdened and under qualified to provide the necessary assistance to their mentally ill relatives, readers will be pleased to know that a political party fully recognizes the urgent need to improve access to professionals and treatment centers that address mental health issues.

Since I drafted the motion and spoke to the background information that supported it, I was delighted with its unanimous passage by Alberta Liberals. We're on the move in the west, determined to end the Conservative juggernaut that has ruled this province for almost four decades.
Judy J. Johnson